SEATTLE — Nov. 30, at 1:46 p.m., our Fire Alarm Center received calls reporting heavy smoke and visible flames coming from a 2.5-story home on the 500 block of W. Highland Dr. Our first units arrived within four minutes from when the first calls came in. They confirmed a working fire within the residence and verified all occupants safely evacuated.
By 2 p.m., crews were able to get water on the fire and conduct a primary search of the entire building. They also reported the majority of the fire was within the attic space and extending through the roof. Gusts of wind hitting the north side of the home escalated the intensity of the fire which led our Deputy Chief to upgrade the response to a 2-alarm fire.
At 2:29 p.m., crews were ordered to evacuate the home due to reports that the ceiling of the second floor, directly below the attic, were beginning to collapse and intensify with heat. From then on, firefighters were in a defensive strategy to prevent the fire from spreading to neighboring homes and trees.
By 3:24 p.m., firefighters had the fire under control and maintained a presence overnight to monitor for flare ups.
No injuries were reported and our investigators determined the fire was accidental, but are continuing their investigation to determine the likely cause and estimated loss.