Seattle — Last night at 8:54 p.m., the Seattle Fire Department’s Fire Alarm Center received 911 calls reporting smoke coming from the windows and doors of a two-story commercial building in the 8500 block of 14th Ave. S. in the South Park neighborhood. Firefighters confirmed the callers’ reports as they arrived on scene and worked quickly to get water on the fire. As crews entered through the front door, they were met with heavy smoke flowing down to the floor causing poor visibility. Fortunately, firefighters found the seat of the fire near the rear of the first-floor and worked quickly to knock it down. The fire was under control by 9:24 p.m.
Firefighters searched throughout the building to confirm no one was found inside and no injuries were reported. The fire was extinguished by 9:42 p.m.
Investigators ruled the fire was accidental, likely caused by faulty electrical. No injuries were reported.