Lunar New Year will be celebrated around the world on Saturday, February 10, 2024. Celebrations and events are planned across Seattle. But if your plans mean staying at home, keep these safety considerations in mind this Lunar New Year. Celebrations mean cooking and sharing food. Cooking-related fires remain the main cause of fires during holidays and celebrations.
When cooking:
- Most fires start from cooking left unattended. Always use a timer when cooking and never leave the kitchen area, especially when cooking with oil.
- If a pot or pan is on fire, cover it with a lid or flat metal pan. Do not throw water on a grease fire.
If using incense and candles:
- Use battery powered candles instead of wax candles to be extra safe.
- Keep incense and candles away from drapes, pillows, bedding and anything that can burn!
- Burn incense or candles in a sturdy, heat resistant container.
- Put incense and candles out before leaving the room or before going to bed.
Smoke/Carbon Monoxide (CO) Alarms:
- Install smoke and CO alarms on every level of your home
- Smoke alarms should never be disabled. Use a dish towel to stop the alarm from beeping if cooking smoke sets it off.
- Test the smoke alarm by pushing the test button every 2 months. Replace battery yearly.
- When the smoke alarm goes off, that is the signal to follow the escape plan. Get out and call 9-1-1 from a safe location.
Leave all fireworks activities to the professionals. Fireworks are not allowed in Seattle except for certain ceremonial purposes with a permit from the Seattle Fire Department .
Cooking fire safety videos:
An Toàn Nấu Nướng (Cooking Safety in Vietnamese with Subtitles)
烹饪安全性 (Cooking Safety in Mandarin, Simplified Chinese with Subtitles)
烹飪安全 (Cooking Safety in Cantonese, Traditional Chinese with Subtitles)