As kids head back to school be prepared to share the road with school-goers and caregivers. Stay alert and share the road with walkers, bikers and buses.
Keep kids safe by driving the speed limit, obeying traffic signs and anticipate people walking on sidewalks. The speed limit in school zones is 20 mph when lights are flashing, so please drive slow to keep everyone safe.
Caregivers can help keep kids safe by making sure they know the basics of walking, riding a bike or taking the bus to school. Consider the following:
- Stick together when walking: stay with a group when possible since it is easier for drivers to see a group of children together.
- Be visible when walking: walk on designated sidewalks, use crosswalks and wear brightly colored and/or reflective clothing.
- Emergency planning: teach your kids important phone numbers and who to go to if there is an emergency.
- Safe routes: choose safe routes to and from school.
- Biking to school: SDOT recently released a new, refreshed Bike Guide that includes tips on family biking – how to teach your student to ride a bike, instructions on starting a bike train, and general biking guidelines to help ensure your student is confident and safe on their next ride
- Prepare for all seasons: rainy and cold weather will be here before you know it. Make sure children have necessities to safely commute to and from school.
- Taking the bus: go over rules and safety practices for taking the bus to school.
Learn more about the Safe Routes to School program on Seattle Dept. of Transportation’s blog: