Join your neighborhood Seattle firefighters this weekend as we collect donations for the Toys for Tots program, all of which help King County and Seattle families in need this holiday season.

We’ll be joined by members of the U.S. Marine Corps and Seattle Fire Foundation volunteers at these QFC locations to collect toys and/or monetary donations:
Friday, Dec. 9
University Village QFC, 2746 NE 45th Street
5 to 7 p.m.
Saturday, Dec. 10
Westwood Village QFC, 2500 SW Barton Street
Noon to 2 p.m.
And for our Seattle Seahawks fans, come see us in Pioneer Square on your way to Sunday’s game!
We’ll be at several locations around our headquarters (301 Second Ave. S., two blocks north of the North Plaza parking lot) between 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Just look for our uniformed firefighters, Marines and Seattle Fire Foundation volunteers!

Don’t have a toy or cash on hand? Gift items can be purchased at the two QFC locations for donation. You may also use a special Toys for Tots QR code to make an online donation. Your monetary donations will be used to purchase toys and gifts to make sure no wish goes unfulfilled.

There are also other locations throughout Seattle and King County where you can drop toys off before the Dec. 15 deadline. To find all the collection sites or learn more about the Toys for Tots – King County program, visit this website.