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Posts categorized under David Cuerpo, Author at Fire Line - Page 5 of 17

2-Alarm vacant building fire in First Hill neighborhood

Seattle — Wednesday night at 10:07 p.m., the Seattle Fire Department’s Fire Alarm Center received 911 calls reporting smoke and flames coming from the top floor of a four-story vacant apartment building at the 1000 block of 9th Ave. Firefighters arrived on scene four minutes later then entered the building… [ Keep reading ]

Warm and dry conditions increase brush fire hazard

Since July 1, 2023, the Seattle Fire Department has responded to 133 bark and brush-related fires throughout the city. Warm and dry weather conditions are forecast to persist through the week, increasing the risk for more brush fires. We urge the community to do what they can to prevent brush… [ Keep reading ]

How to identify the warning signs of heat exhaustion

As temperatures in the PNW skyrocket, it’s important to educate yourself and your family on ways to prevent heat-related injuries. While temperatures here can seem quite mild, the heat, coupled with high humidity and limited availability of cooling systems, can still cause heat-related illnesses, especially in those less acclimated to… [ Keep reading ]

Fire displaces three townhomes in the Olympic Hills neighborhood

Seattle — Last night at 11:20 p.m., the Seattle Fire Department’s Fire Alarm Center received 911 calls from neighbors reporting a townhome on fire at the 12500 block of 26th Ave. NE. in the Olympic Hills neighborhood. Engine 39 was the first unit on scene and encountered a fire on… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Fire discourages the use of fireworks. Urges community to find safer ways to celebrate July 4th

Every year, the personal use of fireworks cause fires and injure people in the Seattle area. Last year, the Seattle Fire Department responded to 16 fireworks-related fires, including two structure fires. A significant fire happened on July 4, 2020, in West Seattle where fireworks ignited dry brush in front of… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle unveils the nation’s most capable apparatus for fighting electrical fires in substations and underground vaults 

SEATTLE – The Seattle Fire Department and Seattle City Light unveiled their new Energy Response Unit – ENERGY 1 – the nation’s most capable apparatus for fighting electrical fires in substations and underground vaults. The collaboration among both agencies exemplifies the One Seattle Plan, working together to minimize the impact… [ Keep reading ]

Citywide hydrant testing – and what to do if you experience temporarily discolored water 

Every year, firefighters test all fire hydrants in Seattle to make sure they are working properly and will provide sufficient water when needed for fighting a fire. This work saves lives and property. Working in collaboration with Seattle Public Utilities (SPU), which maintains and repairs the fire hydrants, the Seattle… [ Keep reading ]

2-Alarm fire damages two homes in the Haller Lake neighborhood

Seattle — At 2:47 p.m. the Seattle Fire Department’s Fire Alarm Center received 911 calls reporting a backyard deck on fire and extending into two homes at the 300 block of NE 133rd St. in the Haller Lake neighborhood. Dispatched firefighters saw a large column of smoke shifting due to… [ Keep reading ]

Good Samaritan alerts residents of house on fire in the Greenwood neighborhood

Seattle — Just before 5 p.m., a Good Samaritan was on his way home from work via Aurora Ave. N. when he saw a column of black smoke coming from a residence at the 900 block of N. 87th St. He drove up to the residence, got out of his… [ Keep reading ]

City to conduct a limited test of the Wireless Emergency Alert system on June 5 as part of Preparation for All Star Game

SEATTLE – On June 5 at 1 p.m., the City of Seattle Office of Emergency Management will send two test messages through the Wireless Emergency Alert (WEA) system. The alert will only be sent to those who have opted to receive local test messages through WEA and to a small… Filed Under: Fire Line