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Posts categorized under William Mace, Author at Fire Line - Page 13 of 14

Learn Hands-Only CPR

You could save a life – take a few minutes to learn Hands-only CPR Are you prepared to help in a medical emergency if someone goes into cardiac arrest? A cardiac patient’s chance of becoming a long-term survivor are more than doubled if a bystander on the scene administers prompt… [ Keep reading ]

Grill Safely this Holiday Weekend

May is one of the peak months for outdoor grilling fires. As the weather warms up and people begin to cook outdoors, the number of grilling-related fires increases. Before firing up your grill this holiday weekend, take these simple steps to ensure safe outdoor grilling. Setting up: Barbecue grills are… [ Keep reading ]

Daylight Saving Time Reminder – Test Your Smoke and CO alarms

In case you did not test and replace your smoke and carbon monoxide (CO) alarm batteries this past weekend for the the start of Daylight Saving Time, now is the time to do so. Changing smoke and CO alarm batteries at least once a year is one of the easiest… [ Keep reading ]

Taking big steps for a cure! Help Seattle become #1

Every year thousands of firefighters from around the world come to Seattle to compete in the world’s largest firefighter fundraising event.   Money raised will go towards fighting Leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkins disease and myeloma which are blood cancers that affect firefighters at a higher rate than the general population. Firefighters representing 341 fire departments wore their… [ Keep reading ]

Burn Awareness Week 2019

Did you know that it takes only two seconds of exposure to 148°F (64°C) water to cause a burn serious enough to require surgery! Coffee is often served at 175°F (79°C), making it high-risk for causing immediate severe scald burns. For National Burn Awareness Week (February 3-9, 2019), the theme is… [ Keep reading ]

Chinese and Vietnamese New Years Celebrations Safety

During times of celebration, there are common fire safety issues that all communities experience. Keep these safety considerations in mind this Chinese New Year and Vietnamese New Year (February 5). Celebrations mean cooking and sharing food. Cooking related fires remain the main cause of fires during holidays and celebrations. When… [ Keep reading ]

Carbon Monoxide Prevention This Winter

The Seattle area has seen a few windstorms already this winter that have knocked out power to thousands of homes. One danger we have during power outages is the increased possibility of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning. Carbon monoxide is produced any time fossil fuels are burned. During a power outage,… [ Keep reading ]

Wishing you Safety in the New Year

As 2018 comes to an end, the Seattle Fire Department would like to share some safety reminders to carry into 2019. December and January are the leading months for candle fires. Candles Use flameless or battery operated candles When using candles with flames, extinguish all candles upon leaving a room… [ Keep reading ]

High Winds Warning and Carbon Monoxide Prevention

The National Weather Service is predicting strong winds in western Washington this weekend which could cause some local power outages. Remember, Carbon Monoxide (CO) is a dangerous, odorless, poisonous gas. Heating and cooking devices that burn fuel can be sources of CO. Follow these tips to help keep your house… [ Keep reading ]

Smoke Alarms: If there is a fire, get out, stay out, call 911

Every home should have working smoke alarms. If the alarm sounds you may have less than a minute to get outside or to a safe place to call 911. Test your smoke alarms monthly and if your smoke alarms are more than 10 years old, replace them. Install smoke alarms:… [ Keep reading ]