With warmer weather on its way, more people will be looking to buy and use outdoor fire pits. Before you start a fire outdoors, read through the outdoor fire regulations on the Seattle Fire Department’s website. Also check to see if an air quality burn ban is in effect by visiting the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency website or by calling 1-800-595-4341. Outdoor fire pits are allowed in the City of Seattle if fire safety requirements are met and air quality conditions allow for outdoor burning.

Before deciding to light an outdoor fire in a fire pit, follow these safety tips to reduce the chance of an unintentional fire or injury.
- Ensure the outdoor fire is not more than three feet in diameter and two feet in height.
- Keep fire pits at least 10 feet from your home, vegetation or anything that can burn.
- Portable fire pits should be set up on a non-combustible surface such as patio blocks or concrete. Do not set them up on on a wood deck or on grass.
- Keep a three-foot child and pet safety zone around your fire pit.
- Burn only clean, dry wood.
- Have fire extinguishing equipment readily available for use. This should include a shovel and two buckets of water, or a charged garden hose or fire extinguisher with a 4-A rating.
- Ensure the fire is continually attended by an adult until it is completely extinguished.
- Do not conduct fires on public property where fires are prohibited, such as in a park or on school grounds.
Keep in mind that beach fires are only allowed in designated fire pits at Golden Gardens Park in Ballard and Alki Park in West Seattle. Visit the Seattle Parks and Recreation Department website for more information on beach fire regulations and hours.